Bylaws of the Southwestern Oakland Cable Commission of the cities of Farmington,

Novi and Farmington Hills

Download The SWOCC Bylaws


Franchise Agreement

The Cable Television Franchise Agreement is the contract between the city and the Cable Operator, Time Warner.  This agreement was transferred to Bright House on December 13, 2002.  Contact SWOCC or the city clerk if you desire a copy of the transfer agreement.  

The attached agreement names the City of Farmington Hills.  Novi and Farmington’s agreements are identical.  Call the city clerk’s office if you desire a signed copy.

Download The Franchise agreement


Franchise Ordinance

Franchising and Regulation Document is the Ordinance pertaining to all Cable Television Systems that currently operate in the city or desire to negotiate a franchise agreement.


The attached agreement names the City of Farmington Hills.  Novi and Farmington’s agreements are identical.  Call the city clerk’s office if you desire a signed copy.

Download The Franchise Ordinance


Multi - Jurisdictional Agreement

The Multi-jurisdictional Agreement is a contract between the cities of Novi, Farmington and Farmington Hills which forms the Southwestern Oakland Cable Commission.  Originally signed in 1983, it has been updated and approved by the three cities:

Contact the city clerk if you require a signed agreement.

Download The Multi-Jurisdictional agreement